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A handy CLI to manage PEON services remotely (as well as to provide extended access/control)


If not installed via installation script, the peon-cli can be installed manually.

  1. Download & copy the peon-cli folder into your preferred path.
  2. Create a folder/file ./config/peon_dir in the root path of the peon-cli scripts folder.
  3. Input the full path of the peon installation directory (e.g. /home/myuser/peon) into the peon_dir file in the peon-cli scripts folder.
  4. Add your peon-cli script folder to your path (if you wish)


Interactive mode

The peon cli offers an interactive mode for administration services Just run ./peon

Non-Interactive mode

Some standard peon-cli tools can be executed programmatically using flags. Just run ./peon [flags]

Supported Flags

    -h|--help       Display this (H)elp information.
    -t|--status     S(t)atus of all containers
    -l|--list       (L)ist running GAME containers.
    -m|--metrics    Performance statistics/(M)etrics for ALL running containers.
    -c|--capacity   Show storage space & (C)apacity usage for all docker components.
    -u|--update     (U)pdates infrastrcture containers.
    -d|--redeploy   Re(d)eploy the infrastructure containers. 
    -s|--start      (S)tarts infrastrcture conatiners.
    -p|--stop       Sto(p)s infrastrcture containers.
    -r|--restart    (R)estarts infrastrcture containers.
    -k|--kill       (K)ill ALL running containers.


Here you can see what the future holds.

Release Notes


  • CHANGE 🛠 Removed peon_dir file from build.